新田 ゆかり
2003年 金沢大学大学院修了
2003年 米メルク子会社万有製薬株式会社
2007年 結婚を機に英語講師に転身
2015年 渡米 英語コーチ
TOEIC 965(L 495/R 470)取得
2017年~現在 外資系ベアリング企業様
英語/人材育成 専属コーチ契約
2020年 帰国 苫米地コーチング
2021年 キャリアコンサルタント
2022年~現在 大手製薬企業様
英語/人材育成 専属コーチ契約
2023年 美容系企業様
人材育成 専属コーチ契約
2023年 荒井弥栄エクゼクティブトレーナー
2023年~現在 建築系企業様
人材育成 専属コーチ契約
石川県在住。父親が英語好きだったため、幼少期よりアメリカンの友人を自宅に招いてホームパーティを行っていた。大学2年生の頃、イギリスロンドンに3週間のホームスティ。海外に出ることで視野が広がり世界に目が向くように。大学院修了後、外資系製薬企業に創薬研究者として就職。数々の特許出願に貢献。プライベートで英会話教室のネイティヴの先生にレッスンを受ける他、独学で日常英会話をマスター。結婚を機に退職。ベンチャー企業を経て子育てを機に英語講師に転身。2015年より夫の海外赴任に伴い渡米。2016年アメリカで起業。世界各地のクライアントに英語コーチングを提供すると共に自身も2019年 TOEIC 965取得。2020年3月、日本に帰国。2021年8月国家資格キャリアコンサルタント取得。個人顧客様及び法人顧客様に英語コーチング・リーダーコーチング・セルフコーチングプログラム・キャリアコンサルティングをご提供中。
Yukari Nitta
Master's degree in Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.
Majored in organic chemistry at the Division of Material Chemistry.
Coaching interest:
My name is Yukari Nitta.
I’m a global English coach and a global leader coach.
For those who want to be global persons and build sincere relationships with international business partners, I offer the following services based on my five year-experience living in the United States;
How to improve cross-cultural communication skills and
How to enhance a global mind to live a more fulfilling life.
In 2015, I moved to Washington State in the US for my husband's relocation.
Although I was confident in my language skills, that confidence would soon be shattered into pieces.
I couldn’t understand why the conversation wouldn’t last with native speakers all the time. I'm answering their questions, but they’re just waiting for what I’m saying next. I was wondering…is my pronunciation terrible? Did I tell them something wrong? I was like that at the beginning of my American life.
However, while mingling with the local people and repeating trial and error,
I realized that we Japanese people needed to learn three essential communication skills when we talk with people in the low context culture.
No.1 Dialogue skill
No.2 Give three times the amount of information
No.3 Logical thinking ability
As you enhance each of these abilities, you will be able to get along not only with your friends but also with international business partners.
Then, how can we improve these skills?
The global English coaching that I offer includes seven approaches.
We provide comprehensive instruction to boost your English communication skills for your bright future as a global leader.
I look forward to seeing you in our lessons!
Started my coaching and career consulting business after getting a business license in WA, the USA, in 2016, and returned to Japan in 2020. Over 1,000 English lessons and coaching sessions were provided worldwide to three corporate and 112 individual clients. Conducting a marketing strategy by setting personas, increasing the conversion rate to 95% after trial sessions. Got a national Career Consultant qualification in 2021 and conducted one-on-one leadership training for client management.
Summary of Expertise:
Ø A deep insight into corporate and individual clients' desires and skills leads them to their goals by extracting their maximum potential.
Ø Ability to find concrete solutions through self-development for running own business.
Ø Over four years of building and maintaining relationships of trust with corporate clients.
Ø Fluent in English (TOEIC 965). Lived in Seattle, the USA, from 2015 to 2020.
Professional History:
Mar 2016 to Present: Global Leaders’ Coach, Brilliant English Lesson (Representative), Seattle (US) and Ishikawa
Oct 2012 to Aug 2015: Assistant English Instructor, ECC Hakui School, Ishikawa
Jun 2011 to Jan 2012: Quality Controller, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Ishikawa
Sep 2007 to Mar 2011: R&D, Sales and Marketing, Sales Dept., SC World, Inc., Toyama
Apr 2003 to Jul 2007: R&D of new drugs, Tsukuba Lab, Banyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (now MSD), Ibaraki
English Coaching and Career Consulting Experience
Business: Provides education, coaching, career consulting, English instruction, and leadership training. SNS followers: 10,000 (including 112 clients).
Ø Creating customized programs to meet corporate and individual clients' needs to enhance their abilities to communicate, express, and think logically in English, design their preferred career paths, and lead leadership training (corporate clients only).
Ø Working for ThyssenKrupp rothe erde Japan Co., Ltd. (HO: Germany) since Oct 2017 as a contracted corporate coach.
Ø Trained ten people into managerial positions through a leadership training program.